Tremors and Rumblings...
On more interesting news, my mom came back yesterday from London… she was so happy to have spent time with Marnix and Noah and the rest of the family, She came back with many stories to tell and enjoys telling everybody how big, smart, and energetic they both are. My sister was nice enough to send me some early (very early, as my bday isn't till Sept) birthday presents, 3 amazing music CDs… The UK has the best compilation CDs by far, too bad that they’re so freaking expensive (plus the pound vs US dollar exchange rate doesn't help either).
This past week sure quite chaotic with different social activities and events: Monday I had a basketball game (won), Tuesday night Guatemala was playing in the Gold Cup so we watched the match (tied, but almost lost) & talked about Capitalism, Wednesday was a day to get the batteries recharged, Thursday I was invited to this Ron Botran Añejo 12 party at Villa Los Añejos (free rum!) and stayed longer than expected, Friday night we had a blast at Ricky’s and Monoloco, and Saturday we had a belated bday celebration for Bob & Jud and then headed to Monoloco for some additional socializing… phew!
Dr. Karyn, Carlos and Bob (Karyn and Bob apparently are Scrabble aficionados...)
Good times and good friends on Friday night at Monoloco, starting from the left: Bob, Alejandra, Carlos, Emka, Britt, Karyn, William...
You the man Manny! Country Roads, take me home...
Afters hours at the barcounter at Monoloco... Zac, Kevin (Johnnie), and Carlos... Finally paid up the last part of my bet with Jud, Sambuca shot!
Sports wise, Bosox are back to their winning ways, Real Madrid won their soccer match after a slow start and won La Liga, Guatemala got dismantled by Canada and was eliminated from the Gold Cup (freaking Canadians… I don’t think I have any Canadians friends besides Paul Schaffer).
P.S. - I can’t believe Bob Barker retired from the Price is Right… I’ve wanted to the on that show since forever and met Bob… Carlos Cruz, come on down, you’re the next contestant on the Price is Right!