
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Productive again...

Great news! I'll be a productive member of society starting on Monday, Feb 27th!!! I've just agreed to a position with the national liquor company (the one that produces Ron Zacapa Centenario, one of the best rums in the WORLD) and I'm pretty psyched about it. I have a high school friend that works there and the best part: the commute will be 8 minutes!!! It's extremely close to home, so I'll probably be having lunch at home around three times a week (maybe even a quick nap), and I can stay up late and watch the "Late Show" since I don't have to get up that early... Congrats to ME!!! I'll be working in the Marketing / Finance department, so I'll let you all know who everything turns out. My time-off is officially over... too bad, since I was looking forward to watching all the World Cup games....

Speaking of sports, two pieces of news: Congrats to the US soccer in kicking the "chapines" ass on Sunday... 4 - 0 is pretty pathetic (congrats on the new uniform too). On more upbeat news, the George Mason Patriots are ranked for the first time EVER on the USA Todays/Coaches Poll... they're number 25!!! Pretty amazing... looking forward to March Madness!!!

On other news, had a wedding on Saturday, right by the beach... AMAZING! The setting was great, along with great friends, and great music... Nobody really got drunk, since we were "sweating like pigs" in the warm weather and dancing the night away. We stayed at a friends house and enjoyed the pool and sun the next day. I have another wedding this Saturday, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make that one...

Hope everybody is doing great...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Last week...

Last week was pretty fun and exciting... Starting off with my cousin's (Joto) birthday on Wednesday, we got together for lunch and had some amazing food. I spent the whole afternoon with him and some other family members, just talking about the past and future plans. That same day, it was Lucky's birthday, so we got together for dinner at this one restaurant where they play live eighties music (songs in English only). So I spent the entire evening singing along to the songs (as some of you may have experienced in DC, this may not be the most pleasant experience, unless you've had some drinks as well) and talking to some old high school friends I hadn't seen in a long time. So here are the pics from that evening...

From left to right: Rebeca's Friend, Rebeca, Lucky, and Lucky's Sister-in-law
Lucky and Cristina...

Victor (Gato), Lucky, Cristina, Victor's wife, and yours truly...

On Friday I had another interview with the National Liquor company, which went from 2 - 6 PM... very long interview, along with personality tests and other crap (I have a follow up interview this Wed or Thursday). Friday evening we got together for a friend's party, who is getting married in March. I must admit, I was a pretty happy boy that evening... so on Saturday I took it easy and rested up.

By the way, to my DC and NYC friends, I must let you know that the weather is amazing over here... sunny every single day... how about you guys? Did I hear that you got some snow over the weekend??? I hope you guys didn't have to go to work... if you did, that sucks!!!

Sports news: Carlos Ruiz (Guatemalan) will be reporting back to the MLS with FC Dallas... glad to see his situation finally resolved, but I was hoping he would en up in some European league. He's signed a two year contract, with an option for a third with MLS... Arriba Pescadito!!!

Here's Ruiz...though because of the time off, we should call him Carlos "The Whale" Ruiz... a little chubby.

Hope everybody is doing well wherever you may be... and don' forget: "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars".

Take care,


P.S. Saw Dave last night, and he had a pretty funny Top Ten...

Late Show's Top Ten Dick Cheney Excuses
10. "Heart palpitation caused trigger finger to spasm"
9. "Wanted to get the Iraq mess off the front page"
8. "Not enough Jim Beam"
7. "Trying to stop the spread of bird flu"
6. "I love to shoot people"
5. "Guy was making cracks about my lesbian daughter"
4. "I thought the guy was trying to go 'gay cowboy' on me"
3. "Excuse? I hit him, didn't I?"
2. "Until Democrats approve medicare reform, we have to make some tough choices for the elderly"
1. "Made a bet with Gretzky's wife"

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The rest of my family... + 1

As promised, here are some pictures of the rest of my family... sorry for the delay, since I know the public wanted them:

My dad, my sister (Patty), and my brother in law (JD... yes, I know, he looks like Charlie Sheen)

Here we are around X-mas time, during one of our famous soccer tournaments (on PS2)... quite fun, but extremely long. From left to right: JD, Samuel (cousin), Alan (married to one of my cousins), Ana Lucia (my brother's "friend"), Rodolfo, Federico (cousin), and Edgar (my uncle).

Way to many people to name, but my aunts, cousins, and grandma are in the picture...

Finally, the one and only Marnix with Alan's kid, Andres.... aren't they cute?

Speaking of small people, we received a call extremely early last week (around 7 AM, but that's extremely early when you're not working) that my sister had some news she wanted to share... and guess what? Marnix is going to be a big brother!!! My sister is pregnant again! Good job Charlie Sheen, I mean JD... what everybody is speculating, is whether the baby was "made" in Guatemala. If that's the case, I think they should name the kid Guate, like the Beckham's name their kid Brooklyn since it was conceived there.... I know, I know, I am a genius.

On other news, I've had a couple of interviews, but for one reason or another, things have not quite worked out. Besides that, I've got a couple of weddings in the next months, so I'm looking forward to those...
Saludos a todos,