So I finally went to see Pirate’s of the Caribbean 3 last week at Miraflores. It actually ended up being quite and adventure, as the 8:00PM showing was sold out right before we bought our tix, and that was the only showing that was subtitled and not dubbed like all the other showings. I refuse to watch movies that are dubbed… my friends so Spiderman 3 in Spanish a couple of weeks ago… hehe. Anyways, after trying to figure out what other movie theaters were showing the movie subtitled and running to Tikal Futura, we decided it was just gonna be easier to grab a bite to eat and wait for the next showing, which wasn’t till 9:45 PM…. I really liked the movie, but it ended around 12:35 AM, way too freaking late for a Wednesday.
This past Thursday we got together with some friends to watch the Gold Cup match, Guatemala vs. USA and the NBA finals… I was foolish enough to bet Jud two beers and a shot that Guatemala would tie or win, needless to say, I was paying part of the bet on Friday night. Friday night was so wicked, which included: Bosox winning, cool tattoos, couple of shots, water been thrown at me (thanks Zac), and stargazing among other activities… I wonder if this ever gets old, cause I don’t see how it can!

Saturday had some ceviche while watching three soccer matches at the same time: La Seleccion de Guatemala, Real Mardrid and Barcelona were all playing at 1:00 PM… it was one of the greatest soccer hours ever. In a span of about 5 minutes, Real Madrid scored, Barcelona was scored upon, and Guatemala had a great goal against El Salvador… woohoo!!! Later on that night, we went to San Lucas for some girl’s party, then went to Antigua to try to get into Monoloco (one of my friends brought his girlfriend, and she didn’t bring her ID, so they wouldn’t let her in), but ended up going to Studio 35 and chilling there till close.
Finally, this Monday the 11th I ended up going to Jaripeo (bull riding) in the afternoon (I wasn't planning on going, Estuardo asked if I wanted to go an hour before leaving), Estuardo was going there because it was an event that La Licorera was sponsoring. It was actually a pretty cool show, with a couple of riders getting a bit roughed up. As far as work goes, I haven’t traveled lately, but should be going to Panama next week… will keep u guys posted.
By the way, not sure if any of u have heard about this new show that Comedy Central is about to start broadcasting... "Lil' Bush," but it looks hilarious... this is the pilot episode, definetely a must see...
P.S. - Margit is leaving us to go to Stockholm to get her MBA… congrats Margit!
P.S. II - Another Late Show Top Ten…
Late Show’s Top Ten Sings Paris Hilton Isn't Doing Well in Prison
9. Too depressed to participate in prison riots
8. Desperate for intimacy, she made a boyfriend out of a stuffed laundry bag
7. She's ballooned to 93 pounds
6. Only time she said "That's hot!" was during delousing
5. Called Martha Stewart asking for "shower fight" tips
4. Only call she received was from Eddie Brill asking for her out cue
3. Was overheard muttering something about voting for Kucinich
2. Started a pen pal romance with Phil Spector
1. Seeking permission to videotape her conjugals
Hot patriot eagle jesus dogs! lol
Anonymous, at June 13, 2007 8:18 PM
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