
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Democratic Nominee...

Late Show’s Top Ten Things Overheard At Hillary Clinton Campaign Headquarters

10. "I can't believe the campaign's over already"
9. "Hillary's changing into her concession pantsuit"
8. "This is more depressing than a Mets game" - He did not say that!
7. "So they're nominating the guy with the most delegates, superdelegates, and states won? Outrageous!"
6. "The senator said she'll be campaigning all weekend in Margaritaville"
5. "Good news, we're three points ahead in East Virginia!"
4. "Ask Obama if he'll go double-or-nothing on the Canadian provinces"
3. "There's a guy here to repossess the watercooler"
2. "It's not the end - you can always get fat and make a global warming documentary"
1. "Is Obama still hiring?"

"We're hoping to win enough delegates by 2010"
"There goes my dream of being the first female president since Gerald Ford"
"We can't pay any of you again this week, but feel free to take home as much campaign stationary as you'd like"
