Sorry for not posting for some time... thinks have been quite hectic at work and some long work nights have been had. But let’s start with some more exciting stuff, let’s talk about all the cool stuff I got for my bday: CDs (Jack Johnson – Some Live Songs, Bacilos – Exitos, Nelly Furtado – Loose, and Diego Torres – Andando), that sweet brown sweatshirt I was wearing for my bday, shoes, DVD of the Office and of course some “dinero”. Thanks everybody!
The good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain… (Bob Marley song). Seriously, the amazing thing about music to me is how much a song can bring back feelings from the past. For example, there’s this song by Bacilos (Tabaco y Chanel), which always brings back amazing memories from a certain special person…. Even though I might be thinking of something else, that song brings me back to certain moments and always brings butterflies to my stomach and a smile to my face. Not sure if any songs do that for you guys, but this song brakes my heart (I know, how lame of me).
Anyways, this past week was the worst week ever as far as work goes…I had to work till 10:30 PM three days straight, including leaving work at 9:30 PM on Friday. Plans had been made to pick up my cousin and a friend around 8:30 PM, so I guess I was running a little late. I had also promised Bob and his gringo friend a ride to Antigua since they were in the city, and when I picked them up, there were three dudes there: Bob, Matt, and this Australian dude that reeked (apparently he hadn’t showered in four days or something). I didn’t notice the smell as much, but after picking up my cousin and the other guy, my cousin had to ride in the back next to the Australian dude (about an hour drive all together). He almost killed me as soon as we dropped off the gringos + Australian dude. The worst part was, they kept calling me from work asking me questions and trying to figure out some stuff, I got the last call from work around 12:30 AM. So of course we went to Monoloco that night, had some drinks and nachos, hit and afterparty, and called it a night.
Saturday I had to come into work around 10 AM, worked my ass off, had a huge lunch (some really good carne asada and chorizo), and left work around 6PM. Unfortunately, there was a family event at 4PM which I ended up missing because of work… I was so pissed. On Sunday, we got together for the inaugural family tournament on FIFA 07, on which I did horribly… did not win a single game (my younger cousins are better than me at PS2).
This past Wednesday went to Rattle and Hum (bar owned by some Australian dude, though he’s not related to the other Australian dude mention in this entry) with my cousin and some friends. Not too many beers were had since it was only Wednesday, but it was a chill time anyway. By the way, did I mention that Jud’s brother is a bartender / manager at Monoloco, every so often, he gives us free “gallitos” (6onz Gallo beers). Here’s a pic when Zach (Jud’s brother) first came down this year to Antigua…
Carlos, Lucky, Bob, Jud, and Zach
Zach had me try this shot called chocolate cake, with is Amaretto and Vodka (I think), which is so freaking good. Not too strong, but I strongly recommend I lime and some salt…. Really, you should order it next time you hit your local bar.
Congrats to Tigers for eliminating the Evil Empire… Yankees have fallen on their face yet again! I bet the Tigers will end up winning the whole thing. Speaking of congrats, happy B day to Felicia who turned another leaf in her illustrious life on October 10th, plus congrats to Merky and Sungi whose b-days are coming up.
Here are some pics from this weekend… place The Funky Monkey!

Carlos, Edgar (my cousin), Estuardo, Marianna, waiter, Gerardo, Gerardo's special friend, another girl, Jud

Same people, but I took the pictures this time...
Later dudes,
P.S. - Did I mention that Toto will be playing in Guatemala tomorrow??? Weird.
P.S. II – I had been in first place in the NFL picks in my pool, but this week I dropped to the 2nd spot for the first time this year. I can’t believe the Skinnies lost to the Titans and how the Rams lost!