October Nights...
I’ve been going down to Antigua more often than usual this past two weeks, as different events have taken place: a) Laura went back to Australia, so there was a going away party b) Bob’s brother Tom was in town visiting c) Bosox are in the playoffs, so I’ve tried to catch as many games as I can with Red Sox Nation at Monoloco d) Plus the usual hanging out with friends.
Carlos and Laura @ her going away bash... she went back to Australia but hopes to be back in Guatemala in about 6 months or so.
Lula, William, and Carlos... enjoying a Bosox game.
My mom is leaving for London on the 16th for a month to visit the grandkids… she’s really excited to be spending time with Marnix and Noah, as my sister and her husband will be gone for a couple of weeks for a wedding in Australia. Marnix is so talkative now, mixing the English and Spanish in the funniest way… he actually says rubbish instead of trash!
I ordered some stuff from Amazon that I’ve been wanting for some time and finally got last week: DVD - Seinfeld Season 8, DVD - The Office Season 3, CD - Fever Pitch, CD - M. Ward’s Post War (finally, after a year of wanting it), Book - Ecology of Commerce… I’m so excited about finally getting the CD by M. Ward, which is absolutely amazing. Also, really looking forward to starting on the book too, not sure if any of you have heard about it… but it’s been highly recommended.
Bosox swept the Angels, but seem to have found a good adversary in the Cleveland Indians… looks like this is gonna be a great series. NE Patriots just kicked some cowboy ass on Sunday… sorry Felicia! The only bad sports news is that we continue to lose on our FF league… so far we’re 0 - 5… it’s so freaking frustrating!!! Only two more games to go, so our main goal now is to just win one baby!
Here's the video of my favorite Spanish song of the moment: "Pasarela" by DJ Nelson feat. Dalmata. The song has great rhythm and the mariachi band is the background is a huge plus... enjoy & lemme know if u like it!
Excited to report that the puzzled has finally come together… really enjoyed putting it together, but now the really good times start. Confusion is overrated… patience is underrated.
Later & abrazos,
P.S. - Feliz cumpleaños to all the October bday boys and girls!
P.S. II - I have a new favorite beer here in Guatemala: Brahva Extra. It’s so freaking good… reminds me a lot of good US beers, like Sam Adams and some ale beers.
P.S. III - Another Late Show Top Ten….
Late Show’s Top Ten Signs Your Team Isn't Going To Win The World Series
10. Team falls behind during the National Anthem
9. You're leading the league in bypasses
8. Arrive in Cleveland -- game is in Boston
7. They said they're only going to give it 109%
6. After every pitch, catcher goes to sell ball on eBay
5. Only pre-game stretching comes in the form of a "wide bathroom stance"
4. Players frequently miss at-bats because they're in line for beer
3. Your first baseman is actually named "Who" (just think of the confusion)
2. Insert New York Mets joke here
1. Manager leaves after seventh inning to beat the traffic
The song is good, but I got bored after a while, what else is good. Totally cut off from Latin Music so pathetic.... anyway, Laura is hot. Too bad she left ;) And. . .. you really need to rent Rome from Netflix or whatever you can in Guatemala. It is soooooooooooo good! Rome (by the BBC and HBO) is one of the best shows that I have seen besides the office.
Dana Maldonado, at October 22, 2007 12:01 AM
Bored!?!? Si eres fotogenica, ven y te invito a mi pasarela, gata vanidosa... Juanes has a new song called "Me enanamora", which is really good too (he's releasing a new CD this month).
I would argue that all my friends are HOT...ok, not all of them, but most of them... hehe.
Rome? It started showing on HBO when I was still in the States, but I've never watched a full episode. I could rent it from Blockbuster (gasp! yes we do have BB in Guate). Plus, they show some episodes on HBO Latino on cable... now, if I can only see my favorite show "Entourage"...
Carlos R. Cruz, at October 22, 2007 1:20 PM
I WANT A RE-MATCH! How 'bout around Super Bowl time? Hell yeah, my 'Boys are fired up for another showdown with the Pats.
Oh yeah, and congrats to the Sox for coming back from behind and going to World Series.
Dr. Kelley, at October 22, 2007 9:18 PM
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