Champs & Harry Potter...
This past week I was in Honduras for work, which went really well, as we got a lot of things done (plus I bumped into two of my former coworkers from La Licorera, including my former boss!). Still, there are things to finalize, which I’m hoping we can do over e-mail, if not, I might have to go back in the next couple of weeks. I came back from Honduras on Friday morning, did some light work, and went down to Antigua at night. I met Jud and Ritchie at Monoloco for some drinks, Bob showed up a bit later, and after some drama with someone I know (thank u Jud for the support, and Bob for being so patient), called it a night.
Ritchie, Carlos, and Bob on a Friday night...
Two Minnesotans: Bobtron and Britt...
Carlos and Britt chilling at Monoloco... damn I look good in a baseball cap!
Early Saturday morning I came back down to Antigua, as Bob’s girls (he teaches gymnastics down here on a part time basis) had a gym meet and had invited me to come see ‘em. After having some sweet lunch, came back to the city, took a little nap, had dinner, and went out to Margit’s going away party at her house. Before getting to Margit’s house, I had to stop by and pick up Lucky at her brother’s house, were we had about four drinks before heading out to Margit’s house. The going away party was a blast, as it involved: beer, rum, peach schnapps, pizza, and puking (not by me)… hehe…. too much fun!
Sports wise, happy to report that the Celtics acquired Kevin Garnett from Minnesota for 7 players… and the Bosox acquired Greg Gagne to bolster their already kick ass bullpen. Plus, I can’t wait till next weekend when the English Premier League starts… go Arsenal! I think they’ll do well even though Henry left for FC Barcelona…
Saludos a todos y abrazos,
P.S. - Good luck in Sweden MARGIT… a echarle huevos y quedo a la espera de su blog!
P.S. II - Bob finally moved to the city… hope he adapts well to his new surroundings.
P.S. III - Another Late Show Top Ten…
Late Show’s Top Ten Things Overheard in Line For the New Harry Potter Book
10. "So where does your imaginary girlfriend live?"
9. "How lucky are we that this didn't conflict with a 'Star Trek' convention?"
8. "Isn't that the mayor of Philly in front of you?"
7. "Unless you brought your invisibility cloak, I would suggest going to the back of the line"
6. "With all those sorcerer's powers, you'd think he'd have a way to ditch those dorky glasses for contacts or something"
5. "I heard that Harry ends up in rehab and has to wear a magical ankle bracelet"
4. "Daddy, will the book end like 'The Sopranos' with a blank last page?"
3. "Who are you going to get to read it to you, Miss Hilton?"
2. "I'm out of the house on a Friday night, near other people who are also in line -- does this count as a date?"
1. "Please tell me that's a magic wand you keep poking me with"
ah-HA! See? Somebody puked. I'm not the only one that does this.
Congrats on your Basketball win. And yes, it's a coincidence..
Dr. Kelley, at August 09, 2007 2:18 PM
But it wasn't me puking, though I did help the person clean up. She looked really pale afterwards... hehehe.
Did u like the Harry Potter Top Ten?
Carlos R. Cruz, at August 10, 2007 1:36 AM
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