Mixed feeling and volcano pics…
Not to get into too many details, but this person I had high hopes for brought me back down to reality extremely quickly. I saw a lot of potential in this person, we got along great, and had amazing conversation… unfortunately for me, it wasn’t the right moment (or at least I tell myself that) and things didn’t end up as I had planned. I was told to tread lightly with this person, but I didn’t listen and gave it a shot anyway… I should really start listening more to my friends… though I was really starting to like this person… FUDGE!!! No more tofurkeys...
On more exciting news, I had a work trip to Panama (I had never been there before) that ended up being very positive. Met a lot of people who are anxious about working with the Foundation, and things seem to be moving along quickly. Hopefully they’ll sign the memorandum with us soon and we can start helping out. Right before my Panama trip, I had some really bad stomach virus that had me on the Disabled List for a couple of days… seriously, for a complete day I was either in the toilette or sleeping since by body was completely out of it. I’ve never had a stomach virus affect me this much… good thing is I might have lost a few extra pounds… hehe.
Speaking of extra pounds, I’m gonna finally start hitting the gym again… I haven’t been to the gym since my car accident back in the middle of April, as I didn’t have a car… and then I just got lazy. My basketball team is doing pretty well, as we’re in the playoffs… though my stamina is way down, I was so tired after the last game ended (probably cause I haven’t worked out for about 3 months now).
Sports wise the Bosox got swept by the Tigers, but still have a 10 game lead over the Evil Empire and the Blue Jays in the AL East, plus we’re sending 6 players to the ALL STAR game. I’ll be watching the HR Derby and the ALL STAR game in the next couple of days… Speaking of the Sox, I found this great clip of the 1986 World Series that u must check out if u ever played RBI BASEBALL for Nintendo (the outcome of the series sucks anyway though).
And finally, I was in Antigua about two weekends ago and took some really cool volcano pics… I love how magnificent the volcano and clouds look. If you're into photography, Guatemala has some amazing photo opportunities...
On more exciting news, I had a work trip to Panama (I had never been there before) that ended up being very positive. Met a lot of people who are anxious about working with the Foundation, and things seem to be moving along quickly. Hopefully they’ll sign the memorandum with us soon and we can start helping out. Right before my Panama trip, I had some really bad stomach virus that had me on the Disabled List for a couple of days… seriously, for a complete day I was either in the toilette or sleeping since by body was completely out of it. I’ve never had a stomach virus affect me this much… good thing is I might have lost a few extra pounds… hehe.
Speaking of extra pounds, I’m gonna finally start hitting the gym again… I haven’t been to the gym since my car accident back in the middle of April, as I didn’t have a car… and then I just got lazy. My basketball team is doing pretty well, as we’re in the playoffs… though my stamina is way down, I was so tired after the last game ended (probably cause I haven’t worked out for about 3 months now).
Sports wise the Bosox got swept by the Tigers, but still have a 10 game lead over the Evil Empire and the Blue Jays in the AL East, plus we’re sending 6 players to the ALL STAR game. I’ll be watching the HR Derby and the ALL STAR game in the next couple of days… Speaking of the Sox, I found this great clip of the 1986 World Series that u must check out if u ever played RBI BASEBALL for Nintendo (the outcome of the series sucks anyway though).
And finally, I was in Antigua about two weekends ago and took some really cool volcano pics… I love how magnificent the volcano and clouds look. If you're into photography, Guatemala has some amazing photo opportunities...
P.S. – Still haven’t decided if I’m going to my friend’s wedding in Hawaii in September… decisions, decisions.
P.S. II – What do you do with the pieces of a broken heart, how can I man like me remain in the light, and if life is really, as short as they say, then why is the night so long???
Sorry about the 86 series dude, I'm sure it still hurts a bit, hahaha.
Anonymous, at July 12, 2007 9:29 AM
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