Small World & XL Party @ Monoloco...
We went to Antigua about two weekends ago to Café Sky, wanted to enjoy the amazing view you get from the top floor and have a few drinks / snacks. Vance (Bosox fan I recently met at Monoloco) and his friends showed up as well, so we ended up staying there for a bit longer than expected.
What an amazing view of the city and the volcano in the background... great place to catch the sunset!
Carlos R, Carlos H, Lucky (arm doing better), and Chris (one of Vance's friends).
So last Tuesday everybody and their mother were in Antigua since we had a holiday on Wednesday. I caught the Bosox game there and learned that they were having a XL party at Monoloco that Friday (not that I need an excuse to go down there, but I had another one now). On that Tuesday night, towards the end of the evening, a girl tapped me in the back and asked me if I knew this one person, which I did, she then asked me if I was Carlos Cruz who had a blog, and I said yep! She (Irene) apparently had googled Monoloco and my blog had come up. Irene was in Antigua for a wedding with this other friend, got to talking and somehow figured that this other girl actually knew me from the DC days, and that Irene knew me from my blog, and then Irene sees me the next day at Monoloco… small freaking world.
So I showed up on Friday for the XL Party and got treated to: free chicken wings, free XL cap, free Monoloco t-shirt, and free rum!!! One of the best nights ever…

Unfortunately Jud told me this past week that he’ll be leaving for Minnesota on September 5th indefinitely, he bought a one way ticket and claims he’ll be back at some point (once he finds another job down here). He resigned his job in Peten, and decided he needed to go back home for awhile… hopefully he’ll be back, otherwise that’s another friend from Antigua that bites the dust. Jud has been a fixture at Monoloco for about 4 years, and my Bosox rooting buddy for some time now… suerte jovenazo!
Leaving for Hawaii this Friday for Dana’s wedding… really excited about going back there, we had such a blast back in 02. Plenty of friends should be there and the wedding should be an absolute blast. Will post details as soon as I get back from paradise...
Aloha and see ya in September,
P.S. - Bosox have a 7 ½ game lead over the Evil Empire.
P.S. II - I'm in first place in the Fantasy EPL... yeah baby!
P.S. III - Margit... still waiting!
P.S. IV - Have a blast in Minnesota Jud, and make sure u work on trying to score tix for opening day '09...
P.S. V - Happy B-day to Marnix... turned 3 on Aug 21... My friend Estuardo will be celebrating his b-day on Aug 28th!
I love the volcano picture Mr. Cruz!
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 10:47 AM
So big.
Anonymous, at September 09, 2007 3:48 PM
Glad to see you dropping by buddy... aloha!
Carlos R. Cruz, at September 10, 2007 1:49 AM
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