Back from South America... and car crash!!!
So, before we get started regarding the South American adventure, I have to let u guys know I was involved in a small car crash last Friday (14th). As any other day, I did some work at home, hit the gym, and met up with Jud around 7PM at Monoloco to catch the Bosox play. I had rum and cokes, since the day before I had gone out with my cousin and had beer all evening (Rattle and Hum), so I wanted to switch it up on Friday. Zac (bartender) was nice enough to pour me some strong rum and cokes, actually they’re rum and Pepsis, but whatever. Anyways, stayed at Monoloco the entire time, watched the Sox win, and when the bar closed, I was ready to go home. Got in my car and started driving back to the city… I was going kinda fast, not extremely fast, but fast enough, when I stupid dog got in front on my car, which made me pull strongly to the right on the driving wheel, my car swerved and skidded, and hit an embankment and the car ended up on it’s side (driver side).
Thankfully nothing happened to me (except being scared shitless), but I had to get out of the car on the passenger side, since the ground prevented me from coming out of my door (weird thing, airbag didn’t pop out). A couple of people were nice enough to offer some help (we actually tried to tip it over, but the thing is way too heavy), and finally to cops arrive and I called my insurance company. Making a very long story short, the tow truck didn’t get to where I was till about 5 AM, and they towed the car directly to the body shop (the same place where I take my car for service). I didn’t get home till about 6 in the morning… but I was so shocked that this had happened to my and my car. I am very grateful that I wasn’t hurt physically, but I’m so pissed at how damaged my car ended up. I took out all of my CDs and things before they took it away, but again, I can’t believe my car will need to be in the shop for about 3 weeks and the total cost of the repair will be around US $7,000… my insurance deductible is around US $600, but I’m still extremely pissed at myself. Moral of the story: No need to drive extremely fast from Antigua to the city (or vice versa); home (or Antigua) will be always here waiting for me.
Saturday we had a lunch to celebrate my brother Rodolfo’s birthday, which I really didn’t have the mood for. I was so pissed still because of what had happened in the morning, I’m sure I wasn’t as charming as I usually am. All I wanted to do was sleep and forget what had happened.
Sunday it was off to Argentina! My flight was from Guate to Mexico City (2 hours), and from Mex City to Buenos Aires (10 hours). The second leg of the flight was such a pain, especially since it was a red eye flight, with me arriving at Buenos Aires around 9:30 AM on Monday. My problem is that I have never been able to get a deep sleep in a plane… sure I doss of for about an hour or so, but I can never get any real rest. That Monday afternoon we had a conference, with a small cocktail afterwards… and the rest of the week I was in conferences and meetings all day. Funny thing is I did bump into a lot of people who are friends with my dad from the World Health Organization. Anyways, almost everyday we finished late so I didn’t get to do much sightseeing. Saturday morning I flew back, and got to Guate around 10:40 PM…. On the way back, I did catch a couple of movies I had on my list: Stranger than Fiction and The Holiday, both just OK. I’m still quite tired from the trip, but glad to report we got a lot of stuff done and plenty of future meetings have been arranged.
This week should be pretty chill, since I have plenty of work to do and I’m sorta like in home arrest since I don’t have a car to move around… or get to ANTIGUA!!! We’ll see how I manage this upcoming three weeks.
Hope everybody is doing well, especially my fellow bloggers, since I haven’t seen any updates in some time now. Un fuerte abrazo para todos and let me know what’s going on with u.
Later and drive safely,
P.S. - Bosox swept the Yankees, with the Sox hitting 4 straight homeruns at some point (tied a major league record).
P.S. II - NFL draft is this upcoming Saturday, and the Patriots have plenty of picks…
P.S. III - My cable took away my CBS, so I haven’t been able to watch the last three episodes of Survivor!!!
P.S. IV - Looks like one of my best buds from Antigua might be moving to the city, we’ll see how much he enjoys the city life.
Thankfully nothing happened to me (except being scared shitless), but I had to get out of the car on the passenger side, since the ground prevented me from coming out of my door (weird thing, airbag didn’t pop out). A couple of people were nice enough to offer some help (we actually tried to tip it over, but the thing is way too heavy), and finally to cops arrive and I called my insurance company. Making a very long story short, the tow truck didn’t get to where I was till about 5 AM, and they towed the car directly to the body shop (the same place where I take my car for service). I didn’t get home till about 6 in the morning… but I was so shocked that this had happened to my and my car. I am very grateful that I wasn’t hurt physically, but I’m so pissed at how damaged my car ended up. I took out all of my CDs and things before they took it away, but again, I can’t believe my car will need to be in the shop for about 3 weeks and the total cost of the repair will be around US $7,000… my insurance deductible is around US $600, but I’m still extremely pissed at myself. Moral of the story: No need to drive extremely fast from Antigua to the city (or vice versa); home (or Antigua) will be always here waiting for me.
Saturday we had a lunch to celebrate my brother Rodolfo’s birthday, which I really didn’t have the mood for. I was so pissed still because of what had happened in the morning, I’m sure I wasn’t as charming as I usually am. All I wanted to do was sleep and forget what had happened.
Sunday it was off to Argentina! My flight was from Guate to Mexico City (2 hours), and from Mex City to Buenos Aires (10 hours). The second leg of the flight was such a pain, especially since it was a red eye flight, with me arriving at Buenos Aires around 9:30 AM on Monday. My problem is that I have never been able to get a deep sleep in a plane… sure I doss of for about an hour or so, but I can never get any real rest. That Monday afternoon we had a conference, with a small cocktail afterwards… and the rest of the week I was in conferences and meetings all day. Funny thing is I did bump into a lot of people who are friends with my dad from the World Health Organization. Anyways, almost everyday we finished late so I didn’t get to do much sightseeing. Saturday morning I flew back, and got to Guate around 10:40 PM…. On the way back, I did catch a couple of movies I had on my list: Stranger than Fiction and The Holiday, both just OK. I’m still quite tired from the trip, but glad to report we got a lot of stuff done and plenty of future meetings have been arranged.
This week should be pretty chill, since I have plenty of work to do and I’m sorta like in home arrest since I don’t have a car to move around… or get to ANTIGUA!!! We’ll see how I manage this upcoming three weeks.
Hope everybody is doing well, especially my fellow bloggers, since I haven’t seen any updates in some time now. Un fuerte abrazo para todos and let me know what’s going on with u.
Later and drive safely,
P.S. - Bosox swept the Yankees, with the Sox hitting 4 straight homeruns at some point (tied a major league record).
P.S. II - NFL draft is this upcoming Saturday, and the Patriots have plenty of picks…
P.S. III - My cable took away my CBS, so I haven’t been able to watch the last three episodes of Survivor!!!
P.S. IV - Looks like one of my best buds from Antigua might be moving to the city, we’ll see how much he enjoys the city life.
what!?!?! no lo puedo creer! si estas en guate este fin de semana, llamame para q vengas a mi casa en nueva esperanza! te mando un mensaje mañana para ver como estas. cuidate mucho!
Unknown, at April 26, 2007 8:36 PM
Discupla que no pude ir a tu casa para el evento... sorry!
Carlos R. Cruz, at May 15, 2007 8:29 PM
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