Volcano Pics...
Finally, I've been able to upload the volcano pics... enjoy!
Rest Stop # 1 of the day... believe me, I needed all of them. See... here I'm still upbeat and smiling, thinking this wasn't going to be a problem (Carlos, Tim, Kevin). If you ask me, there could be a few more reststops along the way.
Bob and Carolina enjoying a snack...
Now, I know we were quite hungry from the hike., but I still wasn't hungry enough to find Bob's bean sandwich appetizing, DISGUSTING...
Sunset with another volcano in the back... I love this pic... tree, clouds, and volcano in the back.
The following day, at the top of the crater... woohooo! I can't believe I made it. Isn't Carolina cute? She's standing on top of a rock.. hehehe.
As far as my first days at my new work, so far so good... though I have yet to receive my laptop from them and have to do some research for the best cell phone plan. But I love this thing about having flexibility with my schedule.
Later dudes,
P.S. Won my bet with Estuardo regarding March Madness.... Free lunch at TGI Friday's for me!!! Jack Daniel's chicken is sounding pretty good.
Lafley! Long time since I last talked to you. I agree, that pic looks a bit like the video... I still love the song.
Glad to hear that you're hopefully getting a nice family home... sure Kaya will appreciate it (does that mean that there are little Wills on the way???).
Tore your ACL!?!? Dude, that absolutely sucks... I hope the surgery goes well, by the way, which kind is it? Are you gonna have screws in your knee forever (like me)? How did the accident happen? Hope the rehab goes smooth, though that's the worst part... make sure u don't get addicted to those painkillers!
I might be in DC on the 13th of April... so maybe I'll see you around.
Carlos R. Cruz, at April 09, 2007 5:36 PM
okay.....it's pretty lame that with me standing on a huge rock, i'm barely bob's height. i missed you this weekend!!! we need to hang out soon. Oh! será que me puedes envíar las fotos del volcán? mi correo es: carolinarosero@gmail.com. q tal el trabajo...aparentemente no trabajas mucho...va que sí? jajaja. te mando un abrazote!
Unknown, at April 13, 2007 3:51 PM
Dude, you have to put up the two pictures of you that summarize your entire trip.
Anonymous, at April 16, 2007 4:59 PM
If I had or even seen the pics that you're talking about Bob I would...
Carolina: Will send the pics after I come back from the trip.
Carlos R. Cruz, at April 16, 2007 8:48 PM
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