Seasons of my life...
What else? Work has been going ok, for some reason ever since we got back from Cancun, it seems that we’ve had tons of more work. I know I shouldn’t complain, but still, I’ve been leaving work around 7 - 8 PM most days.
On happier news, we celebrated Lucky’s b-day last week at Villa Los Añejos (this bar / lounge place owned by La Licorera). I was able to get Lucky a discount on the bottles of rum for the event, which we amazingly finished quite fast (4 bottles of Casa Botran Añejo 12 and 2 bottles of XL). A band plays there every Friday night, so we had very cool ambiance and great company.
On other drinking news, about two weeks ago, we had a bar crawling night in Antigua with my gringo friends. Jud had arranged the entire thing, and we had a specified time to spend at each bar. We all contributed to a pot of money for the drinks, which included about 5 or 6 bars. I missed out on the first stop, which was La Chimenea, but caught up with the crew at Reds. Some pics from that night:
So I missed the first stop, but the second one was at REDS...
At Reilly's... after this it was off to Ricky's (were all we did was use the bathroom)
El Club or something like that... huge Rum and Coke!
Singing kareoke, where I delighted the crowd with a rendition of Hey Jude and The Gambler.
Our last stop, Monoloco... Jud checking out if he's in any of the pictures.
After coming out of Monoloco, we decided to climb (or at least tried) this wall that's infront of the bar... I helped Jud get up on the wall.Here I am trying to get up...
Thanks for the help Kevin... did I make it all the way up???
NOPE!!! Failed miserably... I'm guessing I was too tired and not too weak. Besides, Bob also fell down after I tried to help him up, but his crash was much worse (fell on his back)... or at least it appeared that way, he was fine though.
Later dudes,
P.S. - I start my basketball season again tonight… we’ll see how that goes… no injuries please!
P.S. II - Saw the movie Borat on Tuesday, I though it was quite funny… but expected to laugh a bit more.
P.S. III - Ricardo Arjona won a Latin Grammy on Sunday for best Latin Album (he’s from Guate).. and what was up with the Dixie Chicks winning every single freaking award!!!
P.S. IV - Survivor started again last Thursday, looks like we’re in for another great season.
P.S. V - Happy Valentine’s Day to all the girls I’ve loved before…
P.S. VI - Another Late Show Top Ten…
Late Show’s Top Ten Signs Bill Gates is your Secret Valentine
10. You couldn't read your Valentine card due to the 32-bit encryption scheme
9. You're invited to a romantic evening at Circuit City
8. Love notes written in C++
7. You get a card, a box of chocolates and Rhode Island
6. The Valentine's Card you received is a poor imitation of the one Steve Jobs sent out 5 years ago
5. Valentine's card asks for the password to your "inbox"
4. You get a lovely note inviting you to "help me convert my floppy to a hard drive"
3. Couldn't decide on a card, so he bought you Hallmark instead
2. Before sex, he needs to run an antivirus on you
1. Melinda Gates drives 900 miles in adult diapers to mace you
hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaaha, wow, those are some funny pictures or your falling.
Anonymous, at February 26, 2007 12:41 PM
I know, I know... too bad nobody took pics of you on the floor. At least it was entertaining...
Carlos R. Cruz, at February 26, 2007 3:23 PM
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