
Laura and Bob getting their groove on the counter (Zac in the background)
On Wednesday, I believe I broke my pinky toe while walking around the house… I was walking at night and hit the corner wall straight on with my right foot (which is on the same leg were I tore my ACL and had a really bad ankle sprain… guess that’s why I’m left footed). The next day the pinky toe was blue / purple and somewhat painful; my dad looked at it and told me he thought it was broken. The thing is, you can’t really do anything about a broken pinky toe, except deal with the small pain (nope, there’s no pinky toe cast).
For lunch on Wednesday, we met up with friends at TGIF for a semi Christmas celebration, which lasted way too long… my lunch break went from 12:45 to 3:15 PM… nice!!! Thursday I got together with my dad for lunch at Quizno’s (hhmm… crunchy) and on Friday we had our work Christmas party at the bosses’ house. Invite was at 1PM, left work around 12:45 and still had to stop by to buy a gift for Secret Santa (I like Evil Santa / White Elephant better). I got there around 1:45 PM, but I wasn’t the last person to show up, which is all that matters. Had some really good mojitos, and then some rum (Solera, aged 18 years) and Pepsi… so freaking good. Later on I had dinner with my friends, and finally proceeded to go to Antigua to finish off the night.
Bob had called me on Friday afternoon and asked if I was willing to help unload some container at his project, since the project was officially closed that day and there weren’t that many people who would be there to help unload (Jud and Kevin were also helping out). Of course, me being the humanitarian and great friend I am, told him I would pitch in. Long story short, after having some beers at Monoloco, I headed over to the project, where the container was just arriving (around 1:15 AM). I should clarify that it was arriving, but not yet ready to unload, since the trailer that was moving the container was having a very difficult time parking in the unloading area. I swear, it took him about an hour to park the freaking thing in the right spot… in which time we had a small car crash happen right in front of us (one car smashed into a pick up truck’s wheel, after which the pick up truck could not steer the car, and then the guy that hit him trying tried explain to the cops that the reason the truck wasn’t steering was because of a lack of steering fluid… hahahaha). Anyways, after container was ready to unload, it took us about 2 hours to unload all the things that had being donated to the project (I wasn’t as mobile as I would have liked to be, the broken pinky toe was really bothering towards the end). I didn’t get home till about 4:30 AM… I was so freaking tired, but thankful I would be able to sleep in (no nephews at home).
Saturday was my cousin’s birthday (she turned 32), so I headed over to my aunt’s house, and then met some friends for some beers at Tre Fratelli. Sunday of course was Christmas Eve, so my bro and I headed over to my Sara’s house to celebrate with my dad and some of my dad’s family. The other stop of the night was at my mom sister’s house (tia Doris), which is where all of my mom’s side of the family gathers. We had some nice fireworks, great laughs, prayed at 12 o’clock and later on headed home to open our gifts. I was very happy / thankful with all the cool things I got: a bunch of Bosox stuff (camping / drinking chair, sweatshirt, shirt), some clothing items, and tons of CDs… thanks everybody!!!
On the 25th, everybody came over to our house for turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and Xmas cookies… Here are some pics of all the Christmas events:
Marnix and me on the 21st... (he almost bumped his head on the ceiling)
Mom, Patty, Carlos, Noah, Rodolfo, and Marnix
My dad's brother, my dad's sister, my dad, Rodolfo and me (on the 24th)
My mom's side of the family... guess who's the tallest?
Now, I’m back at work and getting ready for the XL Party at the beach (Dec 30th). I’ll be pitching in, since they sorta asked me to help out a bit, but I’m not sure what my role will be. A whole bunch of friends should be coming, and everybody I know and don’t know has been pressuring me for invites…
Again, I hope everybody had a great Xmas and that this New Year is filled with blessings and new adventures… may this new year be the best yet! Muchas bendiciones para todos…
Christmas in DC...
Abrazos and see you next year,
Hey there, well it sounds like you are not hurting for partying time down in Guate!
That sucks about your toe. So the right side of your body is bad luck, eh? You keep breaking/hurting things on that side!
Glad to hear you had quality time with the family at Xmas.
Propero Ano Nuevo, amigo!
Dr. Kelley, at December 29, 2006 2:58 PM
Thanks for the good wishes Felicia, hope you had an amazing time with your family in TX. Happy new year to you as well... We're gonna party like it's 2007!
Carlos R. Cruz, at January 02, 2007 11:29 AM
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