Gone till November...

Marnix! Playing with his numbers as usual...
Marnix and me... He must be admiring how good looking his uncle is.
Since the family is here, I wasn’t planning on going out, but on Friday everybody in the house went to sleep around 9PM (except my brother that was at his slowpitch game), so I headed down to Antigua. Antigua wasn’t as packed as usual, it could have been something to do with the weather, as it’s been extremely cold this past week (about 54 degrees… which for us is very cold). It was Carolina’s birthday, so she was with some friends at Monoloco… Had some mojitos and beer there, then headed out to Riley’s (Irish Pub) for another round. Bob was nice enough to serenade Carolina all night long… I actually left right after the bars closed, since I knew with the nephews at home, I wouldn’t be able to sleep in as usual.
Carlos, Bob, Kevin, and the birthday girl... Hopefully I haven't seen the last of my jacket!
Saturday morning I was woken up early by some baby crying and baby talk… I tried to keep on sleeping, but couldn’t, so I was tired the rest of the day. Didn’t do that much on Saturday, except play with the nephews (my sister went out to her 15 year HS reunion) and watched some TV later on in the evening. On Sunday I had a “football” game with some friends, were I only scored one touchdown and had three scored on the guy I was covering… not good! Later on we had lunch at Hacienda Real with my family and my cousin and her family, and then went to my aunts house for some dessert.
Finally, still in first place as far as my NFL picks go… with two people only two games back! I can feel the heat… but I won’t back down (as Tom Petty would say). By the way, Pats are 8 - 3… pretty good!
Good night and good luck,
P.S. - Thanks for “stuff” Jud…
P.S. II - I need to practice Scrabble a bit more… though some of the words people come up with there… who knew!!!
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