2007 is here! New Year, same old tricks…
Tuesday I got together with friends to play Phase 10 and some pizza at Tatiana’s house… It took us about 30 minutes to decide what to eat, and another 30 minutes to find the delivery number, really pathetic effort on our part.
Wednesday I had my cousin’s birthday… he just turned 15… So I went over to his house and had… yes, pizza again. Felicidades Fritz!
Thursday… rested and got ready for the upcoming long weekend.
Friday I went out with Brenda to Antigua… she came down for the holidays from VA and it was great to spend time with her and catch up on old times and DC friends. Went to Monoloco for a few drinks, headed to an after party, and finish the night off with some tacos… hhmm… so freaking good when you’ve had some drinks.
Saturday was the XL Party on Puerto Quetzal (close to the beach)… I got there around 7 PM, because they needed me to help out with the bracelet checking at the entrance, making sure that the people remained in order and were not wearing any other beer / liquor related clothes or accessories. I stayed there from 7 PM till about 11:30 PM and we left the party around 3AM… so my legs were killing me towards the end of the night / morning. Moderato was the surprise artist at the party, and everybody had a great time, as plenty of rum was served. Kevin, Pete, Allison, Lucky, Gaby, Juanfer and a whole bunch of other friends attended the event (Pescadito Ruiz and Dwight Pezzarossi also were in attendance). Unfortunately, Bob and Jud backed out last minute… lame!
Sunday (Bob had invited me to go climb a volcano in the afternoon, but with my bad pinky toe and my legs tired from the night before, I had the decline) we headed down to Antigua for dinner at La Fonda de la Calle Real, then headed down to Monoloco, went out before twelve to the park to watch the fireworks / hug random strangers, and then went back to Monoloco to celebrate the New Year by having champagne, beer, shots, and rum… wow! We then hit the streets of Antigua and called it a night around 4 AM… or at least I did, some of my other friends went to some outdoor party thing that lasted till 6:30 AM (including Bob’s dad that’s like the Energizer bunny). Pics from the craziness…
The crowd at Monoloco... they had closed the bar, so only good friends were allowed to stay (that's Pete giving everybody the finger)
Carlos, Lucky, Marta, and Juan
Zac dancing with some girl from Nebraska...
Pete, Barbara (the mom of one of the owners), and Carlos
Carlos, Bob, Allison, and Bob's dad
Lula, Sheny, and Carlos
Sheny and Jud approve of this picture...
Not sure what in the world is happening here...
Walking the street of Antigua... maybe the way the pic came out was the way I felt at that point in time.
Central Park for the Holidays...
Monday - January 1st 2007 (wow, I hope to remember to write 2007 in the checks I give out) I met up with my dad for a bite to eat and a dip in the pool (he was staying at Casa Santo Domingo) and later on went to my aunt’s house for chunto (kakiq), which is basically a turkey soup, with rice, vegetables, and spices… really freaking good. Bob called me later on the night because he needed a place to crash since he had just dropped of his dad at the airport, and he didn’t want to drive his motorcycle down to Antigua at night.
Tuesday I had to go back to work, which was really hard since my body was getting used to going to bed around 3 AM and waking up around 11AM. Work was pretty chill, so I was able to leave somewhat early. Bob never left the city for some reason, and so he again needed a place to stay (even though I was going to Antigua to meet up with friends), so he came down to Antigua with me, and then came back to the city later on… strange! Saw more than a few familiar faces there, good times on Tuesday night’s at Monoloco (which is Ladies Night). I was stupid enough to remind Zac that he hadn’t charged me for anything the night before (needless to say he was a little drunk on New Years as well), but he had actually completely forgotten about the tab… me and my big freaking mouth!
On other topics, this clip is the funniest thing ever! Not sure if you can return this gift or traded in for something else, but make sure to follow the steps…
(Thanks for the link Dr. Kelley)
Au Revoir and Feliz Año para todos,
P.S. My mom and brother and coming back from Haiti tonight…we’ll see what stories they have.
P.S. II - Congrats to Bob and getting his new bike helmet… con cuidado canche!
P.S. III - I won my NFL picks… I was in first place for the entire season… damn I’m good! I won about $US184 after paying about $US26 to play.
P.S. IV - NE Patriots better beat the Jets on Sunday…
Happy New Year, Mr. Cruz. I see, You got drunk as usual!! I enjoy seeing your wild picturs. Keep it up.
Anonymous, at January 04, 2007 7:45 AM
Baby doll,
Thanks for the good wishes for this year. I'm not drunk, it's the New Year "spririt" in me! And by the way, I always keep it up... hehe.
Carlos R. Cruz, at January 08, 2007 4:42 PM
Dr. Kelley, at January 08, 2007 9:40 PM
I got 8 mentions in this week's edition!!
Anonymous, at January 11, 2007 9:52 AM
Charlie, thanks for considering me your friend.
Saludos a todos los que aparecen alli.
Anonymous, at January 16, 2007 10:58 AM
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