It's been a long December...

Marnix and me...
Marnix and Noah...
Speaking of long December, Wednesday night I had to stay late at work because my boss was presenting the 2007 budget to the Committee in order for it to get approved. With changes, additions, and discussion of the PowerPoint presentation, we didn’t leave here till 2 AM… I didn’t get to work till about 9:40 AM the next day (actually, it was the same day).
Friday night I went to Antigua to meet up with Bob, Kevin (who doesn't know how cell phones work), and friends… After debating on where to go to, we ended up going to the default place: Monoloco (sorta like my Café Citron / Mr. Smith’s in DC). I decided it was gonna be a Long Island Ice Tea night… which sounded like a great idea, except I got wasted after two of those and a Chocolate Cake shot on the house (thanks Zac) + my stomach was a royal mess the next day. We then headed to the park for awhile to finish of some beers and finally ended the night at an afterparty. .
On Saturday I talked to Bulchi, who is doing great with the new house and all; except for a little incident that might prevent him from leaving the country for the holidays… hope it all works out for him. Later on, we (bro,sis + her family, and me) had plans to get together with my dad for an early Xmas dinner, since my sister would not be here for Xmas eve. We had a blast, I had ham and lasagna, and everybody else had tamales (I do not like tamales, not sure why). Here is a pic of the event:
The family for dinner...
Sunday, we went out to lunch to Sushi-Ito and had some very different sushi than the one I’ve had before. At the restaurant, they did have the regular sushi, but they also had some Latin sushi, which included one with beef and some weird tomato / mayo sauce (and it was hot, as in warm). Anyways, the regular sushi was good… and speaking of Asian food, I wish they had a good Thai restaurant down here… I really miss eating at Busara so much (Pad Thais, Sum Tam, Larb Gai, Cashew chicken, spicy coconut broths…. hhhmmm).
Finally, I wanna wish all my blog readers Happy Holidays and a Feliz Año Nuevo…. Like the song goes, it’s been a long December, and there’s reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last. Hope this next year is full of blessing for everybody and that all your wishes come true.
Felices Fiestas a todos y un fuerte abrazo Navideño!!!
P.S. - Ozzie came in second in the Survivor Finale… I was hoping he would win, but Yule won by one vote.
P.S. II - The Bosox finally signed the Japanese pitcher Dice-K… he should be a good one. The total transaction to acquire the pitcher cost them about US $107M…. a lot of dough!!! Eri, you should be a Bosox fan now!!!
P.S. III - Plenty of holiday parties this week… should be tons of fun!!!
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