Will it be a long December???
I have utilized this time traveling to some early Xmas shopping (at the duty frees), as I usually leave it for the last couple of weeks. I already have something for my brother, dad, and sister (plus a few things for myself)… still need to pick up a couple of more things. Wonder if anybody will want my junk in a box for Xmas???
In the past weeks we’ve gone to Café Sky in Antigua a number of times, one time getting there around 1PM and not leaving till 4:30PM… The micheladas there are amazing, plus the view is not that bad either. I swear, in a sunny / warm afternoon, there’s nothing better that a cold michelada at Café Sky. Micheladas, for you who don’t know, is when you mix your beer (like a Corona type beer) with tomato juice mix (that also includes: lime, Worchester sauce, salt, pepper, Tabasco, and other spices). I know it doesn’t sound that appetizing at first, but I guarantee you will eventually come around to it.
I went to a friend’s daughter’s ballet Xmas recital in some ruins in Antigua last weekend; it was a blast. The ruins were lit by candles, which made for a very cool ambiance. My friend’s daughter is only four, so she had a very small (important nonetheless) participation in the recital along with a bunch of other 4 year olds… you could tell she loves ballet… thankfully, we only stayed till intermission.
The year is coming to an end and it looks like I need some rest from such hectic times. Thank goodness I have good friends to take care of me... hehehe.
We’re having a BBQ this Saturday, as a bunch of friends from the US and other places are going back to their respective homelands for the holidays. Antigua is gonna be really quiet with all this fun characters gone… oh well! Some of them are coming back, other are going for good (in this respect, Antigua is a lot like the DC… people are always coming and going). Like they say, there’s no place like home for the holidays! My dad is actually getting here on Dec 12th, and my sister will be arriving on Dec 21st…. woohoo! It should be a really fun Xmas with the nephews and the entire family here.
Sports wise, the NE Patriots are still undefeated after a couple of really close calls… and the Bosox are working out a deal to try and land Cy Young winner Johan Santana from the Minnesota Twins. If the trade goes through, we might have one of the best starting rotations ever!!!
Question??? How come only Alohagirl, Myhiatus, and your host are blogging now? What happend to Bulch, Eri, Zeus, Kellygal, and others? The fun thing about blogging, is reading what's going on in everybody's world /mind and checking out the different pics... and it's tons more fun if others are doing it as well (sounds like peer pressure, but it's different). So please, if you have a free minutes during a week, update your blogs or drop us some lines... porfa!!!
Saludos a todos y abrazos,
P.S. - They just raised the prices of drinks at Monoloco… it’s actually starting to be almost as expensive as going out in the city!
P.S. II - Finally got the new Eros Ramazzotti CD… it’s a greatest hits collection plus new mixes and four new songs… Highly recommend getting it!
P.S. III - Showers and hot water rule!!!
Not really a big fan of Eros.
Anonymous, at December 08, 2007 12:38 PM
i like the arjona/eros duet on arjona's new cd
Jud, at December 10, 2007 9:49 AM
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