My sweet November...
Reopening of a bar in Guatemala City (Soho) with my former coworkers. This was a great evening... free rum and great ambiance. Andres, Kike, Ximena, Carolina and Carlos. This was on a Thursday evening on which I planned to head home early... didn't really happen.
Here are some people trying to get some of the kites up, they start running and pulling on the rope. It's so funny because they're running all over the place... we almost got run over a couple of times (I actually brought my Red Sox foldable chair that was given to me last Xmas, which came in really handy, otherwise we would have stood the entire time).
At some point there were about 10 kites up in the air... such a magnificent view. We actually got there around 11AM and didn't leave till about 5PM... so we got to appreciate the entire experience. All we ate was junk / crap food (meaning not an actual meal, just things here and there): grilled corn, pupusas, pizza, ice cream, and candy.
One of the many churches in Antigua... I love Antigua!
Vance, Britt, and Carlos. Britt and Karyn had a BBQ over at their house since Karyn is leaving in about two weeks to do her residency. William and I ended up doing most of the grilling, which was not part of the plan. Anyway, hot dogs, burgers, peppers, and plenty of drinks were had.
The night ended with roasted marshmallows and smores.... hhmmm... so freaking good.
Last week we went to the beach.... We had some amazing ceviche and chilled by the beach afterwards. The ocean was kinda rough, so our time spent in it was limited... still plenty of fun though.
P.S. – Bought the new Juanes CD “La Vida es un ratico”… high quality stuff.
P.S. II – Another Late Show Top Ten
Late Show’s Top Ten Signs You Won't Win The New York City Marathon
10. You frequently hear, "Outta the way, lard ass!"
9. Every couple of miles you stop and ask directions
8. You pulled a hamstring filling out the application
7. Before the race, you eat a Powerbar with extra cheese
6. You still haven't finished the 2006 New York City Marathon
5. Every time you pass a Radio Shack you stop to window shop
4. Some runners are sponsored by Adidas -- you're sponsored by Chips Ahoy
3. You're frequently mistaken for the fat guy from "Lost"
2. Made your own steroids out of Red Bull and Super Glue
1. You've been carbo-loading for 30 years
I love the detail on the church, really need to get my ass down to Guatemala.
Anonymous, at November 19, 2007 11:48 AM
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