World Cup Fever...
Howzit? Life’s good over in this side of the world, though it’s still raining a lot, that I’m starting to think I should start building an arc or something… you never know! The mornings are fine, but every single afternoon it rains for an hour or two… anyways, how’s the weather in the States?
Saturday I had another lunch to go to, it was my friend’s 29th birthday, so we all got together and celebrated. We had really good paella, cake, and a few drinks… afterwards, we watched the movie “Walk the Line” (which I liked, but it was not as good as “Ray” as I thought there was way too much singing in “Walk the Line”). Around 11 AM, we headed to Tantra again, and had a few more drinks… nobody got wasted, but we were all “happy”. Problem was getting out of the parking lot after we left the club (yes, I pay for parking here, for safety reasons) which took over half an hour… I was so annoyed and had no patience for just sitting in the car waiting, thank goodness for CDs and car stereos.
As far as work goes, things are looking up… specially with some new additions to our workforce… congrats to HR and the managers on recruiting attractive girls! We ALL appreciate it… I’ll let you know if anything arises… hehe.
Ankle is doing better, I should be done with my therapy in about a week or so, when I’ll start hitting the gym again… or maybe I’ll wait until after the World Cup, so that I can watch all the matches.
Speaking of World Cup, I’m sure everybody is pretty excited about the World Cup, since it starts tomorrow. The games will start being broadcast tomorrow, with most games starting around 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM Central American time. So of course, a lot of my coworkers have bought small TVs so that they can enjoy the matches while at work…. Me? I’m trying to see if I can get my laptop to get local TV signal so I can watch the games, but I have to buy an adapter or something… will keep you posted. Anyway, make sure to watch the Netherlands play this Sunday… arriba Holanda.
Un fuerte abrazo,
P.S. I have a new cell-phone, thanks to my brother… it’s the new Samsung Bally, which it also an MP3 player and Bluetooth technology… it’s so sweet!
P.S. II Another Top Ten, the World Cup edition…
Top Ten Signs You Have World Cup Fever
10. You change your name from Kenny to Ronaldinho
9. On tax return you list occupation: "Hooligan"
8. After you successfully toast an English muffin, you rip off your shirt and run around the house
7. Whenever the mailman shows up you scream, 'MAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLL!"
6. Have a tattoo of French striker Tierry Henry on your ass
5. You replace your hairpiece with chunk of sod from Wembley Stadium
4. Aches, a rash and vomiting - - I'm sorry, those are signs you have Bird Flu
3. In accordance with league standards, you've inflated your pants to 8.5 pounds per square inch
2. Every four years, you walk around in a Brandi Chastain sports bra
1. You're not American
that's weird that you're getting that much rain down there. we have a rain deficit up here.
that Tantra parking lot sounds like the Nissan Pavilion one - guaranteed to take at least an hour to exit
look at Carlitos getting his Mac on with the new hires - You Dawg!
Oh I like how you're already postponing gym visits because of the World Cup. Don't put it off TOO much. You don't want to be Peter Griffin.
Your new cell phone sounds cool. Do you still have the same digits? well no WONDER I haven't been able to get through!
Dr. Kelley, at June 11, 2006 10:12 PM
Yes, I still have the same phone number... so you can call whenever!
Sorry about the loss.. it wasn't pretty, that early goal really hurt. A lot of experts have critized some of the substitutions Bruce Arena made, did you like what he did??? Beating Italy will be a tough, so good luck! Holland is doing great so far... we'll see how they fair against Ivory Coast.
Carlos R. Cruz, at June 14, 2006 10:58 AM
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