Easter has come and gone, and it has been quite an eventful holiday. First of all, Brenda came down to Guatemala due to some unforeseen and sad circumstances. We are all here for you Brenda, you can lean on us.
Brenda did come out to dinner with us on Wednesday the 12th, and here are the pics from that dinner:
Brenda did come out to dinner with us on Wednesday the 12th, and here are the pics from that dinner:

Lucky, Carlos, Brenda and Margit (all high school friends)

For Easter (or Holy Week, which is how it's known down here), we have Easter Thursday and Friday off, along with getting out early on Wednesday, sorta like Thanksgiving in the US (which we don't have down here). As you know, we have a big Catholic contingency, so that's why we have those days off. So I left early on Wednesday, we rented the movie "Derailed" which was awesome, and then went out to dinner with high school friends to a Spanish restaurant.
On Thursday, we had the huge summer bash that the company throws at the beach (about an hour away). The entrance is with invitation only (free invitations that we distribute) and it's all the rum and liquor you can drink... of course, only the company's products are served. So as you can imagine, it's quite a hot ticket... though the target age is 18 - 29, so I was right at the edge, but it was mostly kids in their early 20s. A couple of my friends who work in the marketing department at the liquor company had to work at the party and the next day, which sucked... I was quite "happy" for the entire event. The best part, my friend's beach house was only a couple of blocks away from the party, so there was no drinking and driving, which I never do anyway... hehe. The party itself was amazing, with fireworks, dancers, and other entertaining things happening... which is why I left the party around 4:15 AM. I must say, I slept really well that night... err, morning.
We ended up staying at my friend's beach house till Saturday, after having some great "ceviche" before heading back. It was so much fun, plenty of alcohol, good friends, great conversation, and I even went jogging... though it wasn't as soft as some other beaches were I've ran.
Here are some of the pics from the weekend...

Beautiful beach...

Rancho relaxo... Margit, Carlos, Lucky and Carlos (another Carlos, not me)

This weekend has just reminded me that all I need to be happy is the beach, a hammock, some friends, and something to drink...
On Sunday, my brother came back from visiting my dad in DC, and then we went to church for Easter Sunday... after that, the weekend was over and it was back to the routine.
How was everybody's Easter? Any interesting events?
How was everybody's Easter? Any interesting events?
Take care...
"...so there was no drinking & driving, which I never do anyway"
Um...exCUSE ME??? I beg to differ!! I am still reeling from all the loud expletives you threw at me after that one happy hour as I was trying to get yo ass safely home. LOL!
It sounds like you had a great Easter/Holy Week among friends. I'm glad you got to see Brenda again. (Sorry it was under sad circumstances).
Whoo - look at you taking the Nestea plunge in the pool! (are my eyes deceiving me, or have you been lifting weights? your arms look bulkier) See, it must be nice working for company in the alcohol industry because then it is EXPECTED to drink at company functions. None of these silly formalities.
It looks like you have a great circle of friends down there and you look very happy.
I will post about my Easter weekend later but compared to yours, mine is downright boring unless you have an IKEA obsession like I do.
Dr. Kelley, at April 19, 2006 3:29 PM
Glad to see that you've finally become a positive person, you negativity always affected me in the workplace... Sorry to hear about Kaya's injury, at least you'll get a work out going up and down the steps with her.
What Jeep are you talking about? If I'm not mistaken, you have 4Runner and Tammy has an Acura or some kind of sedan, did you guys buy a Jeep too? Glad to see Adu doing better, Ruiz on the other hand did not play on Saturday, not sure what's going on there.
Saw Capote and North County recently, pretty good flicks... by the way, when will you finally go to a Nats game?
Carlos R. Cruz, at April 20, 2006 9:44 AM
i binged on chocolates, ok? hahaha
Guisun, at April 20, 2006 3:21 PM
I don't recall the incident you're mentioning, must have been some other tall Guatemalan you know.
I have been working out with Barry Bonds' trainer, so that might explain your question.
Actually, I didn't drink that much since it was a company function... I am expected to drink a little, but not get wasted.
Sorry, no IKEA obsession for me!
I'm guessing you were eating Easter bunny chocolates... Did you have Friday off?
Carlos R. Cruz, at April 20, 2006 3:35 PM
no im too cheap of a korean to get easter bunny chocolates. I had lots of Milo.
no, cheap koreans dont observe easter holidays. damn bastards!!!!
Guisun, at April 20, 2006 8:12 PM
How quickly we forget! I can't believe you don't remember ANY of that night! Do I have to bring Gray on here to back me up? Because after the last HH at the Cross, we wanted to take you straight home. But you said "noooooo, I can drive! take me to my car! I refuse to tell you where my dad lives until you take me to my car!" (That was the G-rated version. The real one had more f-words mixed in there) This was when I picked up the TV - which I was deathly afraid you & Gray would drop before getting it in my car. GEEZ! Do I have to tell you other details of that night before you finally vaguely recall it? (there was kissing, butt-slapping, smoking, barfing, etc) But we're just a fading memory to you now, aren't we? I'm outta here...
Will - sorry to hear about Kayah!! (sp?) How long will she be a peg-leg? My old dog broke her front leg while jumping off the friggin' couch and had to wear a cast. We dressed her up like a pirate and took pictures...
Dr. Kelley, at April 20, 2006 10:17 PM
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