Another weekend...
My brother had a free pass to go see Mission Impossible III on Thursday night, which I regretfully had to decline because it was the second to last episode of Survivor (yes, I still watch the show), though I do want to see the movie… have any of you seen it? Apparently, Tom Cruise’s antics have really annoyed some people and affected his box office appeal… Anyways, Survivor Sunday turned out all right, though I was rooting for Terry at the end, and Aras ended up winning the million bucks (much more deserving than Danielle). And by the way, why did everybody love Cirie, she was the mastermind behind three or four people being ousted, and nobody seemed to hate her…
Friday, since my ankle was feeling a bit better, I decided to test the ankle at this new bar / club called Tantra. It’s really nothing special, but it was a new place to try out. Of course, it took like ten minutes for us to get in (I absolutely despise waiting and pleading with bouncers), which I’m not sure if it was worth the wait or not. Anyways, bumped into a bunch of people, had some beers and some “micheladas”, and the ankle didn’t bother me till the very end…but I was able to limp out of the bar without any help.
Saturday we took it easy; running a few errands and then partially watching “About a Boy” (electricity went out because of a thunder storm). By the way, I forgot to mention that we assembled a TV stand last week (my brother did most of the work) for the new TV my brother bought. It wasn’t quite as easy as we had planned (yes, I read the instructions), as a couple of times we messed up, though I take the blame for the mistakes, since I had the bum ankle, I was directing the entire operation. Anyways, after a few hours of cursing and sweating, the new TV stand was ready! So now we are really ready to enjoy the World Cup GAMES! By the way, Carlos Ruiz scored another goal… three so far for the FC Dallas star!
Besides that, my sister called on Sunday and informed my brother that they wanted him to be the Godfather of the upcoming baby. He was quite excited, plus the baptism is supposed to happen in Haiti around December, so it might be a chance for us to visit… though I’m not sure I’ll be able to take off, November and December are crazy times at work.
Here are a couple of nice pictures from two weekends ago when my dad was still in town….
Your host, my dad, and my brother (nice touch we’re all wearing baseball caps)
Take care,
Speaking of Mission Impossible, another Top Ten List…
Late Show’s Top Ten Impossible Missions
10. Watching an entire WNBA game
9. Getting that fifth dentist to recommend Trident Sugarless Gum for their patients who chew gum
8. Trying to make cupcakes even more delicious
7. Figuring out exactly what Willis is talking about
6. Stealing a cookie from Kirstie Alley
5. Finding a copy of "O" magazine without Oprah on the cover
4. Trying to figure out the plot of "Lost"
3. Persuading birds that Donald Trump's hair is not a nest
2. Finding someone willing to go hunting with Dick Cheney
1. Keeping Tom Cruise's couch cushions clean
Oh good - you're in the home stretch now for getting that cast off! Instead of sports, go dancing.
So you skipped MI3 for Survivor? that's loyalty. but don't you guys have VCR's or TiVO down there? Then you could have seen both! Anyway, it looks like Cruise's antics haven't hurt the box office appeal. It was still #1 this past weekend despite Poseiden opening on Friday.
Cirie was smart. She made herself likeable and still played the game. That takes some skillz. Besides, I loved seeing how proud her hubby was of her - that was really sweet.
Regarding your TV stand adventure: I thought you LIKED assembling items. what happened??
And remember, always wear sunscreen
Dr. Kelley, at May 15, 2006 10:28 PM
It's not the same... I have to watch the shows LIVE!
I do like assembling things, problem was I had a bum leg and didn't have that much patience because of it.
I've seen the commercial on ESPN, I was happy / upset to see GUA in the commercial, though I still can't believe that T & T was forth, and not us...
So you'll be watching the WC games in Danish?
Carlos R. Cruz, at May 19, 2006 2:44 PM
I'm on MySpace too, Lafley! Here's the link to mine:
Hook me up and add me as your friend!
Dr. Kelley, at May 22, 2006 1:26 PM
Nice goal from Ruiz... first goal this season that wasn't off a rebound. Looks like the US will be playing a lot of games this week... hope nobody gets hurt.
Not sure what is... I'll try and check it out.
Felicia, why do you keep changing your profile pic? First, it was a GMU logo, then it was one pic, then another, and now another... ay caramba!
Carlos R. Cruz, at May 23, 2006 8:23 AM
well first off, at least i HAVE a profile picture (so you shouldn't even talk!). Second - why resign myself to only one look? Variety is the spice of life! Especially when it comes to make-up, hair- styles and clothes.
Dr. Kelley, at May 23, 2006 3:47 PM
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