Beers and Bowling and Basketball…
None of my friends from the city wanted to go out to Antigua or had other stuff going this past Friday, so I headed over there and met some friends from good old US of A. The night started relatively calm, as we went to a couple of bars and had some beers. Met some random people and had some more beers, then one of my friends got a little too happy towards the end of the night. We were wandering the streets with beer in our hands (no open container law here, you just can have the beer bottles with you), when one of my friends starts puking… too funny, right in the middle of the street… people were just staring at him, and walking by, giving us this “we hate drunk people” look… other were just laughing. Anyways, I then needed to go to the restroom, and I told the guy who puked to wait for me outside… After doing my business, I come out of the bathroom only to find my friend now wearing a different shirt… apparently, he just randomly switched shirts with some guy… now that’s funny. We ended up going to an afterparty, which was pretty cool: nice bonfire, some excellent music and random people making out everywhere. I didn’t get home till about 3:30 AM… so freaking tired.
Saturday I didn’t feel like doing much, but my some of my friends wanted to go bowling… considering it was a chill outing, I decided to join. First game went great, as I bowled 172… second game was a complete disaster, I bowled 100 and got beat by a girl (how embarrassing). We then headed to Applebee’s (yes, we have Applebee’s here, as well as Friday’s, but no Ruby Tuesday’s) and had some food and drinks.
On Monday night we had our second playoff game (basketball), which we lost due to the fact that we only had four players show up… fudge! I was so upset, the fifth guy showed up two minutes after they had cancelled the game, and the refs refused to go back on their call that we had lost the game (even though the other team wanted to play us anyway… so frustrating).
Yesterday (Thursday), Samsung was throwing a party at TANTRA since they were releasing some new mobile phones. Since my brother works there, he was able to get us some invites, including a bracelet for all you can drink till 11:30 PM… some cool pics were taken, which I hope to get at some point ant post.
Over this past week, I rented “A History of Violence” and “Weatherman”. “Violence” was ok, but I thought the acting and lines of some of the characters left a lot of room for improvement… Overall, I though it was gonna be a better movie. “Weatherman” on the other hand was quiet entertaining, though a lot of cursing and interesting topics are discussed: Cameltoes (I laughed so hard when they talked about this… if you don’t know what it is, please see this link… it’s hilarious , also known as Veggie or Ninja Slipper), BJs, teen smoking, junkfood, living funerals, child molestation, Bob Seger’s “Like a Rock”, archery, Bryant Gumble (from the show: Gumble to Gumble). Anyways, I highly recommend it; it’s a very weird / funny / entertaining / perplexing movie.
Last but not least, I’ll leave you with this cartoon:

Later and enjoy the weekend,
Saturday I didn’t feel like doing much, but my some of my friends wanted to go bowling… considering it was a chill outing, I decided to join. First game went great, as I bowled 172… second game was a complete disaster, I bowled 100 and got beat by a girl (how embarrassing). We then headed to Applebee’s (yes, we have Applebee’s here, as well as Friday’s, but no Ruby Tuesday’s) and had some food and drinks.
On Monday night we had our second playoff game (basketball), which we lost due to the fact that we only had four players show up… fudge! I was so upset, the fifth guy showed up two minutes after they had cancelled the game, and the refs refused to go back on their call that we had lost the game (even though the other team wanted to play us anyway… so frustrating).
Yesterday (Thursday), Samsung was throwing a party at TANTRA since they were releasing some new mobile phones. Since my brother works there, he was able to get us some invites, including a bracelet for all you can drink till 11:30 PM… some cool pics were taken, which I hope to get at some point ant post.
Over this past week, I rented “A History of Violence” and “Weatherman”. “Violence” was ok, but I thought the acting and lines of some of the characters left a lot of room for improvement… Overall, I though it was gonna be a better movie. “Weatherman” on the other hand was quiet entertaining, though a lot of cursing and interesting topics are discussed: Cameltoes (I laughed so hard when they talked about this… if you don’t know what it is, please see this link… it’s hilarious , also known as Veggie or Ninja Slipper), BJs, teen smoking, junkfood, living funerals, child molestation, Bob Seger’s “Like a Rock”, archery, Bryant Gumble (from the show: Gumble to Gumble). Anyways, I highly recommend it; it’s a very weird / funny / entertaining / perplexing movie.
Last but not least, I’ll leave you with this cartoon:

Later and enjoy the weekend,
im amazed how some things in Guate is just as same in Rio. actively drinking beer from beer can at the cup holder in the car, while driving. while the other hand is on the cigarette. just to remind you, most cars are stick shift. lots random people, including you, making out in the most diverse places. be it on the table, couch, on the tv, on the log, on the kitchen table, etc... and its so norm, that you dont even pay much attention to it. life pace is slow, so people are more in tune with being irresponsibly funny, a very carefree mentality. stuff that no one would ever care or mind here in US but its had importance there. like, all the hot chicks you had made out in your life, but once, while extremely intoxicated, you made out with a ugly chick... none of your friends will ever remember all the other hot chicks, but they will always remember the ugly one, and will make fun of you for the rest of your life. ahhh the good life. haha
Guisun, at August 18, 2006 7:00 PM
Latin America is so chill... I'm glad I'm back! Yes, the good life.
Carlos R. Cruz, at August 22, 2006 12:45 PM
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