So as you all know, my sister and her family were down in Guatemala for about three weeks. We had a great time down here. Marnix finally got baptized, I was the godfather (scary), and we all got to spend plenty of time with the little one. Marnix is so funny and a blast to be around... He doesn´t talk yet (may be caused by the fact that he is talked to in English, Spanish, and Frech) but he is walking and loves going up and down steps. Anyways, here are some pictures of the one, the only, Marnix Daniel.

Here's Marnix in his pajamas....

Here we are after his baptism....
And here are (from left to right): my cousin, Marnix, my sister, and my mom.
Finally, here's a pic with the rest of the family... again from left to right: Me, my sister, my brother in law w/Marnix, my brother's girlfriend, my brother and my dad. Enjoying a nice lunch in Antigua Guatemala.
Anyways, gotta run...
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